Web / Company’s website
Our team has built the perfectly polished company's website based on the design provided by the customer. Smooth animations, sharp and beautiful graphics, and fast page load times — every single piece of the website received the maximum attention.
The website is developed in React/Next.js and hosted on Vercel. Which gives numerous benefits like static builds, CDN distributed content and optimized deployment pipeline. With these advantages we were able to iterate quick, and launch the website in a short term.
Technology stack
TypeScript, React, Tailwind CSS,
Next.js, Vercel
Web / SaaS
The virtual events platform that we've built from scratch. Reach.Live offers video streaming to massive audience, as well as group video conferencing calls. The number of features offered by the service is very impressive, and in some ways unique.
Amazing design is what makes the platform to stand out of the number of competitors. It is well suited for casual events, webinars or even corporate meetings. Such features as themes and branded colors make it look like it was tailor-made for every particular customer.
Frontend, backend, devops
Technology stack
TypeScript, React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, GraphQL, Hasura, PostgreSQL, Kubernetes, Auth0, Prismic
Web / SaaS
Closely collaborating with Parker's engineering team we've built with them a full-stack platform which is capable of keeping up with rapid growth of their business. The project is a great example of well coordinated efforts being pushed into the right direction.
Our team participated in the development of all layers — the data model, the frontend app, the underlying backend and DevOps, and numerous 3rd party integrations. Worth noting that specifics of multi-user workspaces in the app made us pushing our preferred backend framework Hasura to the next level.
Frontend, backend, devops
Technology stack
Node.js, Kubernetes, Hasura, TypeScript, React, Tailwind CSS, Next.js
Web / CRM
Bluavenu is a huge CRM platform for the real-estate industry. It is fair to say that CRM is just a part of the platform that incorporates numerous tools. Among them are task management, calendar, fully featured real-time chat, document management system, and social website.
We are proud to say that our company is responsible for the entire frontend UI development. The code base that we have produced is more than 300k LOC long. Along the way of development, we have ensured quality standards by unit / functional tests and by the strict rules of code formatting.
Design, UI / UX, frontend, QA
Technology stack
React, GraphQL, Docker
Web / SaaS
Lytely is an amazing mobile app which goal is automatic tracking of CO2 emissions. Based on the data, it generates reports providing valuable insights to the user.
For Lytely we have created a web app for their business customers. The web app is powered by server side solution based on Hasura and GraphQL API. The greatest thing about the API that we have created is that it is universal. It works with Lytely's mobile app, as well as with business customers web app.
Frontend, backend, devops
Technology stack
TypeScript, React, Next.js, GraphQL, Hasura, Kubernetes, Auth0
Web / Ecommerce
ShopMyCause is an online store that helps non-commercial orgs, like a school football team to fundraise money for their needs. It connects businesses and non-profit kids organizations in the seamless and mutually beneficial way.
In a very short term we have developed and tested a fully custom website. Among its gems are a complex approach to the search functionality with an option for GEO-targeting, and numerous 3rd party integrations, like payments and shipping cost and taxes calculations.
Frontend, backend, devops, QA
Technology stack
React, Next.js, GraphQL, Django, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform
Web / SaaS
This is a service that performs an aggregated search across multiple databases of makers communities (like ProductHunt). In the core of the service there is an algorithm that finds the most popular products among the databases, and more importantly, finds the only one product that is the best match for your request.
Frontend, backend, devops, QA, PR
Technology stack
TypeScript, React, NextJS, GraphQL, Docker, Kubernetes
Zerber CI
Web / SaaS
Continuous integration is not a rocket science. Zerber is the CI which runs only javascript projects and can be setup literally within a minute. It is powerful and fast tool and satisfy needs of any javascript project one can imagine.
Design, UI / UX, frontend, backend
Technology stack
ClojureScript, Clojure, Reagent, Firebase, Docker, Docker Swarm
Web / Social
We have created this delightful website for all quote lovers who want to create amazing attractive quotes. One can type in a quote, select from one of dozens of tailor-made themes and publish his words online!
Design, UI / UX, frontend, backend
Technology stack
React, Python, PostgreSQL, Docker
Community Pilot
Web / Homepage
The platform is aimed to solve numerous challenges which are faced by communities owners. We were happy to develop the interactive and responsive landing page based on customer's design.
Frontend development
Technology stack
React, Gatsby, PostCSS
Fleet Log
Prototype / Dashboard
Early concept of the service which is aimed to improve autonomous cars fleets management. The goal is to collect all the data from all cars and aggregate them in one place, online, in real time.
Design, UI / UX, prototyping
Technology stack

Let's build a thing together!